
Memoirs of Mattanchery - Part 2

  Memoirs OF MATTANCHERRY      Melting Pot of Multiculturalism,Vibrant Past and Modern Existence - Part 2  Reference Map (Not to Scale) Return to Yore Transport System The narration of Mattancherry will not be complete, if some facts of mode of transport that were available in the fifties and also the entertainment of films by theaters that were functioning at that time. In those days, buses were very few and  only  a small number of rich families  owned cars. The common vehicle available were rickshaws pulled by Rickshawallas. The minimum charge for travelling for a 2 kms were 2 annas and maximum for travelling was Re.1 Most of the buses plying from Mattancherry were to Edakochi.the southern point of the islet of Mattancherry. The opposite side across the back water from the southern tip is Aroor a village in Alapuzha district which at that time was a part of erstwhile Travancore state. The existing bridge connecting Mattancherry to Aroor was constructed subsequently. There was a chun

Memoirs of Mattancherry - Part1

  Memoirs OF MATTANCHERRY      Melting Pot of Multiculturalism,Vibrant Past and Modern Existence - Part1 ` Introduction For any person born in a  place, let it be a village or town will have deeply embedded nostalgia to be cherished throughout  his life. For me, Mattancherry is such a place. Through this article I propose to give an evocative descriptions what I perceive a story on the places of Mattancherry, Fort Kochi and other places belonging to what currently called “West Kochi” which was originally the commercial hub of Kerala before Ernakulam taking the prominence from this part. This part of Kerala was also a microcosm of a truly multi-cultural,multi-lingual,plural society with people migrated from various parts of India living together for many years.Before  starting to write I was  completely blind where to start  and how to start with. When my mind raced in many directions, a kernel of ideas of the people,their culture,language spoken ,important heritage points that had lain